Can You Use Juvederm Under Eyes?

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The natural aging process has a way of robbing us of our youthful appearance, but that doesn’t mean we have to fully surrender to the idea of aging. With the technology we have today, older patients have a variety of options to consider when maintaining and preserving their youthful appearance long-term.

One of the many things people fear as they grow older is the presence of dark circles under the eye – also known as under-eye bags. These generally form when tissues around the eye grow weak and start to sag, which allows fat to move into the lower eyelids – making them appear swollen and puffy.

Dark circles under the eye can also be the result of fluid buildup in the area, shadows being cast on the area, changes in skin colors (pigmentation), or not getting enough sleep. Either way, bags under the eyes are going to change the way you look and many people aren’t going to be happy with their appearance.

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is the brand name of one of the most popular collections of dermal fillers on the market today. Dermal filler injections, unlike BOTOX, utilize hyaluronic acid to give the skin a more youthful, smooth, and healthy appearance by stimulating the production of collagen and adding volume to the facial tissue.

There are a number of different types of Juvederm products – including Juvederm Ultra XC, Juvederm Ultra Plus XC, Juvederm Volbella XC, Juvederm Vollure XC, and Juvederm Voluma XC. While the Ultra XC and Ultra Plus XC products utilize Hylacross technology, the other three utilize Vycross technology.

Together, this collection of dermal fillers can be used to address numerous signs of aging, including brow furrows, forehead lines, temple depressions, crow’s feet, under-eye hollows, nasolabial folds, age-related volume loss, smoker’s lines, lip lines, thin lips, weak jawline, weak chin, marionette lines, and much more.

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Can You Use Juvederm for Under-Eye Bags?

Juvederm is one of the safest and most effective hyaluronic acid fillers for those looking to camouflage under-eye bags, but only if the right product is being used. In this case, Juvederm Volbella XC is the best product in the collection and will generally last 18-24 months – roughly two years – before a follow-up is needed.

Volbella XC was first approved by the FDA in 2016 for augmenting the lips and chin, as well as correcting lines and wrinkles around the mouth. In February 2022, the FDA also approved Volbella XC for under-eye usage – meaning the filler is now FDA-approved for under-eye hollows and dark circles under the eyes.

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, Juvederm’s patented Vycross technology ‘blends lower HA molecular weights, giving it the softest, smoothest consistency of all Juvéderm products while still remaining highly durable’ – which explains why so many people prefer it over other dermal fillers.

Is Juvederm Safe?

Yes, Juvederm is both safe and well-tolerated in patients looking to camouflage under-eye bags, wrinkles, and other signs of aging on the face. Not only has it been approved by the FDA (as explained above), but there have been numerous clinical studies conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Juvederm.

One of those studies analyzed a group of 160 participants who were using Juvederm Volbella XC to treat under-eye bags. Of those who participated in the clinical trial, 90% (roughly 144 of the 160) were satisfied with the results after one year of treatment and 90% were willing to recommend Volbella XC to a friend.

With that said, there are certain risks to injecting a hyaluronic acid filler under the eyes and the cosmetic procedure should only be done by a professional. Complications of the procedure include lumps, bumps, and skin death (also known as necrosis) – while some people might even risk going blind, though that’s extremely rare.

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Juvederm vs Restylane Under Eyes

While Juvederm is a popular and well-known tear trough filler on the market today, it’s far from the only brand and there are several others that are effective in their own right. For example, Restylane is another popular dermal filler brand that utilizes hyaluronic acid as its main ingredient – like Juvederm.

Both Juvederm and Restylane are commonly used under the eyes, but Restylane isn’t FDA-approved for that specific application – which is one reason why many people turn to Juvederm. That’s not to say Restylane isn’t safe and effective and it could be approved in the future, but that’s not the case as of now.

Another primary difference between Juvederm and Restylane is the texture – Juvederm is much more smoother, while Restylane is more granular. For this reason, Juvederm is usually reserved for fine lines and wrinkles in tight areas, while Restylane is reserved for adding volume to sunken areas of the face.

Cost of Juvederm Under Eyes

The cost of Juvederm as an under-eye filler can range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Most doctors are going to charge per syringe – under-eye usage usually requires 1-2 syringes – but there are a variety of other factors that play a role in the overall cost of Juvederm.

In addition to the cost of each syringe, doctors might charge you differently based on the exact location of the injection (tear trough area), the type of procedure, the addition of any consultation fees, the experience of the doctor, and the city you’re getting the procedure done in. Not only that, but prices are subject to change often.

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Contact Milwaukee Eye Surgeons to Learn More!

Are you ready to get rid of those unwanted under-eye bags? Do people often point out how tired, fatigued, and exhausted you look, even when you’re not? Do you want to regain your youthful appearance and feel better about yourself in your own skin? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, contact us today!

At Milwaukee Eye Surgeons, we firmly believe everyone should be happy with the way they look. And while under-eye bags threaten to get in the way of that, Dr. Kenneth Weinlander is dedicated to giving his patients a second chance at a youthful, happy, and healthy appearance – both on the inside and out!

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